Friday, May 22, 2009

I think I'm a drunk, Mom

Dear Mom,
I think I have a problem. Last weekend when you were at Aunt Cissie's I got drunk. And it's not the first time. I think all week about getting together with my friends so we can drink beer. I know I'm not old enough to buy beer, but it's pretty easy to get. And I think about it all the time.

I don't know what to do.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Dear Mom,
I know this sounds so dumb, but I just realized that everything is about to change. All my friends have plans for the summer and I know we will see each other, but it will never be the same again. I want to talk to you about this. I do. But I know you will just tell me it will be all right or you will try to 'fix' me one more time. I just need to vent. And to know that you won't change. You will still be here when my life changes. I am excited and scared and ready and not ready and a grownup and a girl. I'm all these things and sometimes I just want my mother. Like a nine year old going away to sleep away camp. And whatever you do: don't turn my room in your own little nest. Not yet. Not for a long time.
I love you, mom.

Friday, May 1, 2009

You don't have to shout

Dear Mom,
I know I don't always react right away when you tell me something. Give me a minute to process, please. And please, please, please don't shout. I go deaf when you shout. I just want to leave. I'm growing up, please talk to me like an adult.
I love you, mom.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Too much church?

Dear Mom,

I love God. I do. But does that mean I have to go to church every time the doors open? Last week our family was at church 5 times. And when we're at church that much we don't do anything together. I just need to chill sometimes and be at home and listening to music and not going all the time. I know you have all your friends at church and you quilt together and have handbell choir together, but why do I have to go every time? Isn't Sunday enough for you?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sometimes you embarrass me

Dear Mom,

Sometimes you dress like a teenager. I am the teenage girl in the family not you. You don't need to wear jeans like mine and t-shirts like mine. You're a grownup. You can look cool without trying to look like a 15 year old girl. Please, mom, get a style of your own.

I love you, mom.

Friday, April 10, 2009

For once could you stop talking?

Dear Mom,
You ask me how my day went and before I finish you start trying to 'fix' things. If I've had a fight with my bf, I don't need you to tell me how to apologize or to make things right.

Just listen. That's all I want right now. Just listen to me. No fixing. No comments. Just hear me out.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do you EVER see the positive side of things I do?

Dear Mom:
I know it's just a softball game, Mom. But could you praise me for the cool things I did on the field today? Not just my mistakes? So, I struck out. But, didn't you see my huge play at first? Couldn't we have talked about that? 

Please praise me every once in a while. I REALLY need it. Especially from you.
